güvenlik duvarı

Linux Bağlantı Noktasının Güvenlik Duvarı tarafından engellenip engellenmediğini kontrol edin
Bir web sunucusuna bağlanmaya çalıştığınız zamanlarda bağlantı isteği başarısız oluyor. Bunun birkaç farklı nedeni olabilir; ancak bunun olası bir ned...
How to Open Firewall for NFS Share in Linux
NFS is a distributed file system protocol that lets users mount remote files and directories on their systems. It works in a client-server environment...
Ufw Güvenlik Duvarı SSH'ye İzin Ver
Çalışan bir güvenlik duvarı, bulut sunucusunu korumada ilk koruma katmanları arasındadır. Daha önce, bu genellikle karmaşık ve belirsiz yardımcı progr...
The UFW Guide - A 5-Part Series Understanding Firewalls
Uncomplicated Firewall, or UFW, is a simple and easy to use Firewall interface written in Python. It is quite popular in Ubuntu and Debian based syste...
How to List Open Ports in Firewalld
Firewalld is the default firewall program on CentOS 7, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7), Fedora 18+ and some other popular Linux distributions. It ...
Ubuntu Firewall Howto
Introduction Ubuntu is a Linux operating system that is quite popular among server administrators due to advanced features provided with it by default...
Windows Firewall Notifier allows you to handle outgoing connections easily
The Windows 7 Firewall is quite robust and for most users, its best set to default and let alone to do its job - which it does pretty well!While one c...
Windows Firewall has blocked some features of this app
At times, you may have noticed that when you go on to run a program, the Windows Firewall suddenly throws up a message stating that Windows Firewall h...
Difference between Hardware Firewall & Software Firewall
Most of the computer users are familiar with the term Firewall. Firewalls are Hardware devices or Software programs that monitor incoming and outgoing...