
Installing CentOS on Hyper-V
CentOS is one of the most popular alternatives to the Debian line of products. Inspired by RedHat Enterprise Linux it uses the .rpm extension for its ...
Shared Folders over Hyper-V Ubuntu Guest
Setting up shared folders in Hyper-V is not a conventional thing to do. Unlike VirtualBox, Hyper-V is not a desktop exclusive hypervisor. It is meant ...
Install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on Windows with Hyper-V
With the recent Long Term Support release of Ubuntu, the Bionic Beaver, an opportunity has presented itself to talk about hypervisors. Hypervisors are...
Hyper-V Network adapter not connected in Windows 10
Hyper-V is a great utility built right inside the Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise editions to enable users to deploy Virtual Machines and other virtuali...
How to convert Hyper-V VHDX file to VHD using PowerShell
If you have a VHDX file and you want to make it compatible with some other virtual machine that supports VHD format, then this post shows, how you can...
Check if your Intel or AMD processor supports Hyper-V using these tools
Like most other tech enthusiasts if you desire to run multiple OS on your system, installing it as a virtual machine would appear as more advantageous...
Windows 10'da Hyper-V nasıl devre dışı bırakılır
Hyper-V, Microsoft'un donanım sanallaştırma ürünüdür. adı verilen bir bilgisayarın yazılım sürümünü oluşturmanıza ve çalıştırmanıza olanak tanır sanal...
Sanallaştırma veya Hyper-V, Windows 10'da nasıl çalışır?
Windows kullanıcı kılavuzu, Windows 10/8'in desteklediğini söylüyor müşteri Hiper-V. Peki Hyper-V tam olarak nedir?? İyi, Hiper-V Hipervizör tabanlı s...