Development - Sayfa 2

Caddy is a 3MB web server for your home computer
Caddy is a powerful web server for home computers that takes less than a minute to setup and requires no deeper knowledge of webmaster or administrati...
Microsoft Desktop App Converter Guide
Microsoft showcased its Desktop App Converter program some time ago to highlight how easy it is to convert some desktop programs to Universal Apps for...
HTTPS Checker scan your web page for HTTPS issues
HTTPS Checker is a free program for Windows that provides you with the means to scan all pages of a website for HTTPS related issues.Rolling out HTTPS...
Check websites for security and performance issues with Sonar
Microsoft's Edge development team launched a new open source website scanner called Sonar yesterday which tests websites for security and performance ...
Android Studio 3.0 Development Environment released
Google released a new version of the company's official development environment for Android, Android Studio 3.0, to the public yesterday.Android Studi...
DNSTrails find any domain someone owns
DNSTrails is a new Internet service that provides you with the tools to find any domain someone owns among other things.The service has more to offer ...
Progate learn to program online for free
Progate is a -- currently free- web service that teaches you various programming, scripting and other computer related skills.The service was establis...
Use SiteVerify to verify links
SiteVerify is a free program for Windows to scan links and images to find out whether they are broken or work correctly.The application is compatible ...
Oracle releases Java 9
Oracle has just released Java 9, the new version and latest update to the Java platform, featuring improvements across the board.The new release inclu...