Programming - Sayfa 2

How to install Python Anaconda on Linux
Anaconda is an open-source platform for data scientists working with python or R programming languages. It works as both a package manager and an envi...
Basics of Working with the SQLite Database in Python
A database is one of the most useful and popular files for storing data; they can be used to store any kind of data, including text, numbers, images, ...
Mastering the SQLite Database in Python
SQLite is a relational database management system based on the SQL language; it is a serverless, Zero-configuration database engine. It is one of the ...
9 Useful Tips Working with Operating System using Python
There are several situations when we want to work with the operating system using Python. We may want to see the user details or wish to do some tasks...
Python For Loop Everything You Need to Know
Loops are one of the essential elements in any programming language, and Python is not an exception to it. Loops are used to repeat a statement or a b...
How to install multiple versions of GCC and G++ on Ubuntu 20.04
As a C and C++ developer, it is not uncommon to handle projects that require different versions of compilers. With advancements in technology, it's li...
Switching between Python 2 and 3 versions on Ubuntu 20.04
In the recent past, there has been a bit of debate on which Python version should one learn. Python 2 or Python 3. It's now 2020 and pretty evident th...
How to install Node.js and NPM packages on Ubuntu
Node.js is an opensource cross-platform Javascript platform used for general-purpose programming to develop scalable network applications. It's built ...
How to install Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu
Eclipse is a popular Java Integrated Development Environment or IDE. It is written mostly in Java, and its high usage is seen for developing Java appl...