
Bored? Shuffle My Life suggests activities based on time, weather and location

Bored? Shuffle My Life suggests activities based on time, weather and location

Shuffle My Life is a brand new application for Google's Android operating system that provides you with activity suggestions at times when you are bored, don't know what to do or cannot decide what to do.

The application is not just a database file of activities though as it makes use of information to suggest activities.

It retrieves weather information, the time of day, location and the season for instance and bases the picking-process on those.

This means that you won't get suggestions that won't work on that particular day and time. So, no going to the museum late at night when it is closed, or going to the Farmer's market when it is closed.

The developer added a gamification component to Shuffle My Life on top of that. It uses Google Play for that to award points and achievements for completed tasks. In addition, you may compete with your friends this way by trying to beat their scores.Cl

One side-effect of this is that it asks you to sign in and link a Google account to the app. While you can cancel that, it brings up the prompt regularly which can be annoying.

One suggestion is displayed at a time and it is up to you to accept it or tap on the x-icon to hide it and get another one.

Time and money requirements are displayed at the top and below that is a short description of the activity or task, and buttons that provide you with quick access to features that help you out.

The bottom lists two filters that are mighty useful. The time filter allows you to set a maximum duration for tasks while the money filter the most you want to spend.

If you get the "visit an aquarium" activity for instance, a link to view aquariums next to your location is displayed so that you can get started right away planning your visit.

Another example. Attend a meetup displays a button to list meetups near your location, a link to create a calendar event, a call and a message option.

The preferences provide you with options to disable activity and task categories that you are not interested in. So, if you don't want activities in nature or those involving other people, you disable them there.

The app features more than 250 tasks currently and supports the submission of tasks from within its main menu.

Closing Words

Shuffle My Life is an interesting, charming application for Android. It provides good customization options (category, money, time) and since it is not just throwing a random task at you but using local information as well, it is more likely that you will find suitable activities using it.

The application works best if you link your Google account as it will get rid of the prompt to do so. While you can use it without doing so, the prompts may get annoying after a while.

One feature that I'd like to see is a people filter so that you can filter tasks by that as well (including adults and children options).

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