Dell BIOS Update not installing - Your security settings could not be detected

Dell BIOS Update not installing - Your security settings could not be detected

In today's post, we will attempt to provide the possible solutions to the issue Dell BIOS Update not installing, which triggers the “Your security settings could not be detected” error message in Windows 10.

Dell BIOS Update not installing

It's noteworthy that this issue is prevalent in several devices that have been known to experience the issues when updating or installing the BIOS.

Here's a list of these devices, and their affected BIOS versions:

Dell ModelBIOS version
Latitude 72751.1.29
Latitude 5175/51791.0.22
Latitude 73701.11.4
Latitude E7270/E74701.14.3
Latitude E5270/E5470/E55701.13.3
Precision 35101.13.3
Precision 7510/77101.11.4

Your security settings could not be detected

You might the error message below when you try updating or installing the BIOS on your Windows 10 computer

Your security settings could not be detected. Try restarting your system and running the update again.

If you're experiencing this issue, try these our recommended solution:

  1. Perform your BIOS update directly from manufacturer website
  2. Suspend BitLocker before performing the BIOS update

Now, let's have a detailed look at these solutions provided.

1] Perform your BIOS update directly from manufacturer website

Here, to be able to perform the procedure, you'll need the following:

Other options include HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool, MSI DOS Tool, UNetbootin, etc

Once you have these, you can now proceed as follows:

A] Check your current BIOS version

B] Update your BIOS

2] Suspend BitLocker before performing the BIOS update

To suspend BitLocker do the following:

Once the update is complete and the PC has rebooted, you can resume BitLocker protection again.

That's it, folks! This solution should work for the Dell BIOS update error.

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