Apache Subversion

How to install Apache Subversion 1.9.5 on Ubuntu, Linux Mint

How to install Apache Subversion 1.9.5 on Ubuntu, Linux Mint

Apache Subversion (aka SVN), is a free software versioning as well as revision control system. Subversion is used mostly by developers to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation. Its goal is to be the most compatible successor to the widely used Concurrent Versions System (CVS).

Key Features

Apache Subversion 1.9.5 Changelog

User-visible changes:

How to install Apache Subversion 1.9.5 on Ubuntu, Linux Mint

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dominik-stadler/subversion-1.9 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install subversion

How to uninstall Apache Subversion from Ubuntu, Linux Mint

sudo apt-get remove subversion
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