
Microsoft releases two new Ice themes for Windows 7

Microsoft releases two new Ice themes for Windows 7

Complimenting the chill in the air, Microsoft has come out with two new themes for Windows 7 - all set to get you in the party mood - and they are now available for download. Ice water theme and Party Ice theme.

Ice Water Theme

Ice and water go together like Astaire and Rogers, cookies and milk, and all the other great teams: beautifully. Each on its own is nice, but together they create something with extra sparkle. Add glamorous images of this all-time great team for free to your Windows 7 desktop.

This 9.26 MB theme contains 12 awesome wallpapers in shades of blue and black.


Party Ice theme

Set a party mood on your desktop with close-ups of colors filtering and reflecting through the prism of irregular ice cubes. Add a black light for maximum grooviness. Download this free Windows 7 theme to get the party started.

This 7.09 MB theme also contains 9 high-resolution wallpapers in varioud colors. These wallpapers look great on your desktop and you deffinitely want to check it out.

If you want to simply use the wallpapers, you will find them in this folder:


Like all theme packs, these too can be used only on Windows 7 Ultimate, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise editions, but you could extract the wallpapers if you like them and use them on your desktop

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