
When will I get Windows 10? We're validating Windows 10 for your PC

When will I get Windows 10? We're validating Windows 10 for your PC

If you have reserved your Windows 10 free upgrade, and not received it yet, I am sure that you must be eagerly waiting for it and have the question in mind - When will I get the Windows 10 free upgrade? Well since it is one of the largest software upgrade rollout in history, Microsoft is being careful and rolling out the upgrade in phases.

When will I get Windows 10

If you do not want to wait, you always have the option of using Windows 10 Media Creation Tool to download Windows 10 ISO and use it for upgrading your Windows 8.1 / 7.

If you have chosen to wait, its a good idea too, as till the time you get your upgrade, some of the glitches could have been sorted out, hopefully.

We're validating Windows 10 for your PC

Some of  you may have even such a notification stating that:

Thank you for registering your free upgrade. We're validating Windows 10 for your PC. While upgrades have started for most PCs, we're continuously working with our partners to ensure that even more PCs work well with Windows 10.

Microsoft recommends that you upgrade only after you get your upgrade notification. Such recommendations could possibly based on the fact that maybe some suitable device drivers are not available for your computer.

Is my computer ready for Windows 10? Visit the OEM sites to check!

Get the Windows 10 Upgrade immediately

But if you are in a hurry and want to upgrade right away, you can do the following:

Run regedit to open Registry Editor and navigate to the following key:


Create a new 32-bit DWORD with the name AllowOSUpgrade and give it a value 0x00000001. If this key does not exist, create it.

Close Regedit and restart your computer.

Now open Control Panel > Windows Update and check for updates.

You should see the Get Started button. Click on it to start your to upgrade to Windows 10 right away.

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