
Python Generator

Python Generator
In this topic, we will learn Python Generator.

Definition: A generator is like a normal function that generates a range of values using the yield keyword. It returns one object at a time. It internally uses an iterator. To access the next element next() function is used, or we can use it for a loop. If we try to access the value outside the range, it raises a StopIteration error.

We will see some example to understand better

Ex: generator function for range of values

def range_fun(n):
x = 0
while x < n:
yield x
x += 1
y = range_fun (3)
#call using for loop
print('Generate values using next() method')
for i in range_fun(3):
#call generator using next method
print('Generate values using for loop method')
print(next(y))#Stop Iteration exception will be raised

Ex: Generator function for Fibonacci series

def fib_fun(n):
x, y = 0, 1
while x < n:
yield x
x, y = y, x + y
z = fib_fun(6) #generator object
print('Generate values using next() method')
print('Generate values using for loop method')
for i in fib_fun(6):

Ex: Generator function for creating range of values given start and end values.

def my_range(start, end):
current = start
while current < end:
yield current
current +=1
print('Generate values using next() method')
nums = my_range(1,5)
print('Generate values using for loop method')
for num in my_range(1,5):

Ex: Generator to multiply each number(less than a number) by a number

def gen_mulby_num(max,num):
n = 0
while n < max:
yield n * num
n += 1
for i in gen_mulby_num(5,3):

Ex: Generator to find cube for range of values

def gen_mulby_num(max,num):
n = 0
while n < max:
yield n * num
n += 1
for i in gen_mulby_num(5,3):

Ex: multiple generators: find the square of even numbers generated from a number

Generator 1: generate even values from a given number

Generator 2: generate square numbers from generator1 values

def gen_even(m):
n = 0
while n < m:
if n % 2 == 0:
yield n
n += 2
def gen_square(nums):
for num in nums:
yield 2 * num
for n in gen_square(gen_even(15)):

Ex: Multiple generators: create fibnacci series and add value 10 each number.

Generator1: generates fibonacci series from a given number

Generator2: add each number by 10 from generator1

def gen_fib(n):
x, y = 0, 1
while x < n:
yield x
x, y = y, x + y
def gen_add_10(nums):
for num in nums:
yield 10 + num
for n in gen_add_10(gen_fib(5)):

Generator comprehensions:

Generator comprehensions are similar to list comprehensions where the list uses square brackets; this uses normal parenthesis.


nums = (i for i in range(10))

Difference between Generator and normal function:

  1. A generator provides values using yield keyword where normal function uses the return keyword
  2. Generator starts from where it stopped when called next time. The normal function executes all statements every time.
  3. Generator saves memory as it returns one value at a time. So we can use it to generate infinite values.


Generator is very helpful when we are handling huge/large data. At a given time, it holds only one single piece of data rather than whole data. Generators concept is considered an advanced concept in python.

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